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Fast charging station, EVlink Pro DC, 180kW, CCS2 + CCS2 connectors, 3.6m cable with cable management system
Download: Schneider Electric_EVlink-Pro-DC-above-120-kW_EVD1S180TBB-AN
Fast charging station, EVlink Pro DC, 180kW, CCS2 + CCS2 connectors, 7.5m cable without cable management system
Download: Schneider Electric_EVlink-Pro-DC-above-120-kW_EVD1S180TBBC7-AN
Fast charging station, EVlink Pro DC, 180kW, CCS2 + CCS2 connectors, 3.6m cable with cable management system
Download: GEX4301000-02_EN-Release_SF
Fast charging station, EVlink Pro DC, 180kW, CCS2 + CCS2 connectors, 7.5m cable without cable management system
Download: GEX4300800-03_EN-Release
Yes there is a manufacture warranty of all chargers and other productssupplied . Extended warranty packages are available.
Yes freight can be arranged.
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